Auto Accident Treatment: The Initial Assessment

If you've been involved in an automobile accident, even one you may consider minor, it's crucial to obtain a prompt and professional initial assessment from a chiropractor near you. We specialize in treating injuries resulting from automobile-related incidents at Fayetteville Accident and Injury Center, serving Fayetteville and the surrounding region. Schedule a visit with us for comprehensive care. Let’s look at some reasons why an initial assessment is so critical:

Establishing Injuries as Auto Accident-Related

For insurance, legal, financial, and medical purposes, it's essential to establish any injuries as accident-related. Injuries like back and neck injuries, whiplash, headaches, and more may all be connected to your accident. Establishing this fact through an initial assessment is important.

Addressing Initial Discomfort Beyond Soreness

Many auto accident victims may dismiss initial discomfort as mere stiffness or soreness in the back or muscles. An initial assessment can reveal the depth of any injuries, preventing them from becoming chronic.

Benefiting from Early Chiropractic Treatment

The sooner an initial assessment determines any injuries and a chiropractic treatment plan is prescribed, the sooner patients can experience relief from discomfort, increasing the likelihood of a full recovery. There are usually no benefits to delaying an assessment or treatment.

Make an Appointment with A Fayetteville Chiropractor

Make an appointment with a Fayetteville chiropractor today. Even seemingly minor automobile accidents can cause significant impacts on the body. If left untreated, these injuries can become chronic and affect your quality of life. Gain the peace of mind and care you deserve with an initial assessment following any car accident. Reach out to Fayetteville Accident and Injury Center—the first step on your path to regaining and maintaining health and wellness.

If you've been involved in an automobile accident, even one you may consider minor, it's crucial to obtain a prompt and professional initial assessment from a chiropractor near you. We specialize in treating injuries resulting from automobile-related incidents at Fayetteville Accident and Injury Center, serving Fayetteville and the surrounding region. Schedule a visit with us for comprehensive care. Let’s look at some reasons why an initial assessment is so critical:

Establishing Injuries as Auto Accident-Related

For insurance, legal, financial, and medical purposes, it's essential to establish any injuries as accident-related. Injuries like back and neck injuries, whiplash, headaches, and more may all be connected to your accident. Establishing this fact through an initial assessment is important.

Addressing Initial Discomfort Beyond Soreness

Many auto accident victims may dismiss initial discomfort as mere stiffness or soreness in the back or muscles. An initial assessment can reveal the depth of any injuries, preventing them from becoming chronic.

Benefiting from Early Chiropractic Treatment

The sooner an initial assessment determines any injuries and a chiropractic treatment plan is prescribed, the sooner patients can experience relief from discomfort, increasing the likelihood of a full recovery. There are usually no benefits to delaying an assessment or treatment.

Make an Appointment with A Fayetteville Chiropractor

Make an appointment with a Fayetteville chiropractor today. Even seemingly minor automobile accidents can cause significant impacts on the body. If left untreated, these injuries can become chronic and affect your quality of life. Gain the peace of mind and care you deserve with an initial assessment following any car accident. Reach out to Fayetteville Accident and Injury Center—the first step on your path to regaining and maintaining health and wellness.

Primary location


2819 Bragg Blvd.,
Fayetteville, NC 28303


Hours of Operation


8:30 am - 12:00 pm

2:00 pm - 5:30 pm


8:30 am - 12:00 pm

2:00 pm - 5:30 pm


8:30 am - 12:00 pm

2:00 pm - 5:30 pm


8:30 am - 12:00 pm

2:00 pm - 5:30 pm







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