Ice Therapy in Fayetteville, North Carolina

Ice Therapy in Fayetteville, North Carolina

Cold Therapy treatment and benefits

If you are interested in all-natural, surgery-free methods of treating injuries and pain in Fayetteville, NC, then give ice therapy a try. This is one of the most effective ways for reducing inflammation and swelling, which are directly associated with musculoskeletal pain. Find out how we use ice therapy as part of our comprehensive chiropractic care methods at the Fayetteville Accident and Injury Center.

What is Ice Therapy?

The use of ice therapy in chiropractic care involves applying ice or cold packs to an affected area. This is generally used for muscle pain, as well as sprains, strains, and tears. When visiting our chiropractor in Fayetteville we may use ice therapy as part of a holistic approach to treating your pain and injury.

When is Ice Therapy Beneficial?

Ice therapy is one of the best ways to reduce swelling and inflammation while treating pain. In fact, ice therapy is considered a fundamental part of treatment as inflammation and swelling are the primary causes of muscle pain. When used along with chiropractic care, ice therapy can help improve muscle and joint movement without increasing pain. 

What can I Expect With Ice Therapy as Part of Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractic care is focused on a holistic approach. Therefore this treatment modality involves using more than one form of therapy at once, in most cases. For example, if you are suffering from a lack of mobility and joint stiffness, we may recommend physical rehab therapy and chiropractic adjustments along with ice therapy. This provides you with more effective pain relief and healing long-term. We can use ice therapy here in the office as part of our chiropractic therapy, and we may prescribe you with home care involving ice and cold packs.

Contact a Fayetteville Chiropractor

If you are interested in using ice therapy to improve your mobility and reduce muscle pain, contact our Fayetteville Chiropractor. The Fayetteville Accident and Injury Center provides premium chiropractic care in Fayetteville, NC thanks to the professionalism of Dr. Joshua McDowell. Contact our office at 910-408-4701 to schedule your appointment. We provide a free chiropractic consultation for all new patients.

Primary location


2819 Bragg Blvd.,
Fayetteville, NC 28303


Hours of Operation


8:30 am - 12:00 pm

2:00 pm - 5:30 pm


8:30 am - 12:00 pm

2:00 pm - 5:30 pm


8:30 am - 12:00 pm

2:00 pm - 5:30 pm


8:30 am - 12:00 pm

2:00 pm - 5:30 pm







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