Auto Accident Treatment

Get Auto Accident Treatment in Fayetteville!Auto Accident Treatment in Fayetteville with our chiropractor in fayetteville at Fayetteville Accident & Injury Center for whiplash relief

After an auto accident, injuries like neck pain, whiplash, and back pain need treatment so your body can recover. For lasting pain relief after an auto accident without the use of medication, come visit our chiropractor in Fayetteville. 

Signs You Need Fayetteville Auto Accident Treatment

Shock after an auto accident can prevent you from feeling pain after the crash. Once the shock wears off, you may realize that you feel back pain, neck pain, muscle stiffness, and soreness from seatbelt injuries or hitting the interior of the car. These symptoms are natural due to the impact of a car crash, but they could indicate underlying injuries like spinal misalignment or whiplash. It's important to get yourself checked out, so our Fayetteville chiropractor can treat any underlying injuries. 

If you decide to skip visiting a car accident chiropractor and take the wait and see approach, you could wind up in more severe pain. Your treatment could take longer and be more expensive as a result. Since our Fayetteville chiropractor offers a free consultation for new patients, there is no risk to getting checked out after your crash. 

Fayetteville Auto Accident Treatment 

Our chiropractor in Fayetteville provides natural pain relief by adjusting the spine. We know adjustments directly reduce inflammation in sore muscles and bring fresh blood that starts the recovery process and endorphins that positively affect your mood.

By realigning the spine, we take pressure off muscles and joints, reducing pain. We also clear interferences from the body's central channel, so your spine can communicate with your brain more effectively. This means faster healing of all auto accident injuries. 

Once we eliminate your pain, we'll work to rehabilitate your strength and flexibility. Through lifestyle advice, corrective exercises, and continued adjustments, we will get your body back to full health naturally. 

The sooner after the crash you begin auto accident treatment in Fayetteville, the faster you will heal. Reserve your appointment on our website or by calling our car accident chiropractor at (910) 484-2001. If you are new to our clinic, your first appointment is FREE. 

Learn More About Auto Accident Treatment Options

Primary location


2819 Bragg Blvd.,
Fayetteville, NC 28303


Hours of Operation


8:30 am - 12:00 pm

2:00 pm - 5:30 pm


8:30 am - 12:00 pm

2:00 pm - 5:30 pm


8:30 am - 12:00 pm

2:00 pm - 5:30 pm


8:30 am - 12:00 pm

2:00 pm - 5:30 pm







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